Dana Perino has been giving everyone a glimpse of her fantastic house ever since everyone started working from home. She made her living room her own studio, complete with lights, cameras, mics, and more needed for a live broadcast. It will surely consume a tremendous amount of electricity, though, but Dana can handle that without the sweat, or her network, Fox, can do so.

Dana finds it comforting to work from the comfort of her own home, despite the significant difference compared to working on the set, with complete facilities and all. She was very thankful that Fox gave them the option to work remotely, making their health of utmost importance. Dana has been hosting two daily shows, The Daily Briefing and The Five, and another children’s story series from her house’s spare bedroom. Fans can also see her lovable dog, Jasper, lurking around the area while she’s working, and it’s the cutest thing a viewer can see.

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