Meg Ryan

Hollywood overflows with timeless beauties, which most certainly include 80s sweetheart Meg Ryan. Meg Ryan made her Hollywood debut back in 1981 with a slew of minor and uncredited roles. The actress later landed her big break in the 1989 romantic comedy film When Sally Met Harry. The movie ultimately earned her a Golden Globe nomination. From then on, Meg’s career has been on a roll. However, Meg took a step back from the spotlight and decided to take fewer projects in the 90s. Since then, the actress only appeared in a couple of films and focused on other endeavors and personal investments.

However, Meg returned in 2015, this time as an actress and director. The film received considerable success and has helped Meg kick-start her directorial career. This Hollywood beauty still has a long road ahead of her, but we can’t wait to see what she has in store for us.
