Angie Dickinson, renowned for her role in “Police Woman,” had always aspired to make a significant impact on television, and that series was a part of her dream come to fruition. Nonetheless, her impressive acting resume extends far beyond that singular show, covering a span of several decades marked by notable achievements. Dickinson’s filmography boasts over 50 film appearances across six decades. Prior to her breakout on “Police Woman,” she had already secured a solid reputation through her performances in “Rio Bravo” alongside John Wayne and “Ocean’s 11” with the Rat Pack, which catalyzed her rise to become one of America’s leading film stars.

Her on-screen versatility is also evident from her roles in “Dressed to Kill,” “Wild Palms,” “Sabrina,” and “Pay It Forward.” Beyond film, she has graced the small screen with guest appearances on various television shows. Her more recent roles include a part in the 2004 series “Judging Amy” and the lead in the 2009 Hallmark Channel movie “Mending Fences.”
